
I've Switched to Cage Free Eggs!

An article from pokedandprodded.Health.com about something I think is nice to do; eat cage free eggs!
I’m Switching to Cage-Free Eggs
By Scott Mowbray March 11, 2008
I’ve been eating a lot more eggs on this diet (two, poached, 150 calories—what a deal) and noticed at my local supermarket that a dozen of the large, cage-free, antibiotic-free, hormone-free, vegetarian-diet variety (Nature’s Yoke brand) cost only 60 cents more than eggs that are entirely free of any claims to virtue—i.e., eggs probably produced by hens in factory conditions.
Heretical as it sounds, I’m not all that concerned about the antibiotics and hormones; I prefer not to eat them, but they’re not on my top-10 watch list of health concerns. But a nickel more per egg to let a chicken roam free: This seems like a steal (though it’s about a 25% premium on the total cost). Yes, it’s a somewhat romantic notion that these jaunty, dimwitted creatures should be allowed a bit of chickeny behavior during their brief strut upon this stage. But even if the hens-‘n’-hayseeds scene that Nature’s Yoke features on its website (pictured) is a bit contrived (or maybe it isn’t—maybe all the kids wear straw hats in that corner of Pennsylvania, and all the chickens are proud), the idea that we don’t have to torture animals in order to eat them—or their eggs—could use more serious discussion.

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