
Foreign reporters finding their voices of opposition while American analysts still fawn...

One thing at a time, Mr President
Without a strong US economy, Barack Obama will be too weak to achieve any pet projects, domestic or foreign policy goals

by Tim Montgomerie
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 24 March 2009 11.30 GMT

The most insightful thing about Barack Obama was written last July by America's finest commentator, David Brooks of the New York Times. Brooks confessed to having been wowed – like most of the world – by his first impressions of the then junior senator from Illinois. Inspired by his early rhetoric, Brooks had hoped that he was hearing an overture to a great work. Unfortunately, said Brooks, well ahead of the herd, he was beginning to fear that the overture was actually the entire symphony. Act 1, Scene 1 – as good as it was – was all there was. And constant repetition of the same act – sonorous at first hearing – will begin to annoy and then anger.

read the rest

1 comment:

  1. Yep... the Brits are coming awake a bit. Their economy is tanking worse than ours. The magic man in the White House is not gettin' 'er done.

    Go figure.
