
Why doesn't Keith Olbermann have an audience?

Oh, perhaps because he broadcasts freakshows who hope one day to become sane enough to wrap their heads in tin foil and communicate with space men! His big scoop comes from someone named Seymour Hersh who, apparently, has a fuzzy realationship with honesty...My favorite line from this story is:

Hersh has something of a "loose relationship with literal truth," explaining that when behind the lectern he tends to exaggerate his "scoops." (New York's headline? "Sy Hersh Says It's Okay to Lie (Just Not in Print)").

What the hell is literal truth? Ha ha ha! Must watch this & read it!


Oh, another good line from Olbermann's "ace in the hole" source:

"I'm just communicating another reality that I know..."

Ha ha ha ha ha! It's too funny! Can not parody Olbermann!

1 comment:

  1. John Gibson from Fox calls him "Bathtub Boy." You should look into that one...

    keith overbite is the gift that keeps on giving!
